Materials-as-a-service company (MASCO)
The development and introduction of circular materials within the built environment presents significant challenges. As a response to these challenges, the Circular Value Institute proposes a new business model whereby a new type of investment company is
added to the traditional value chain: a material-as-a-service company (MASCO).
This innovative approach involves the MASCO making an initial investment in materials with substantial circular value. This value is to be evaluated using the methodology of the Circular Value Index. In exchange, the MASCO gains the right to repurchase the material for a predetermined price from the user at the end of the (predefined) use period.
Watch our Co-Founder, Chris Van de Voorde, explain how MASCO works!
Interested? Contact Chris
Review our event at New York Climate Week
Value in the Loop: Making Circularity Pay Off​
Monday 23 September 2024
10-10:45 a.m. NY time (EDT) | 4-4:45 p.m. Brussels time (CEST)
How can the we turn waste into value and finance circular models that drive positive impact?
The buildings and construction sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, responsible for 37% of global emissions. Yet, despite this impact, the sector discards a staggering $5.8 billion worth of materials as waste each year. We founded the non-profit Circular Value Institute to change that. We believe in accelerating the transition to circularity by focusing on products that generate economic, environmental, and social value at every stage of reuse.
To achieve this, we developed the Circular Value Index (CVI), a methodology that evaluates the feasibility of integrating products into circular, innovative, and value-generating business models.
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